Paññā Narāṅ Rataṅ. Paññāvantassa Ayam Dhammo.

प्रज्ञा नै मानिसको रत्न हो । यो धर्म प्रज्ञावानहरुको निम्ति हो ।

Wisdom is the gem of Mankind. This Dhamma is meant only for the wise.- BUDDHA

Welcome to Theravada Buddhist Academy

The Theravada Buddhist Academy (TBA) was established under the auspicious leadership of the most Venerable Dr. Bhikshu Jñanapurnika. It is an independent entity incorporated under the umbrella of the Vishwa Shanti Vihar. Theravada Buddhist Academy is the only institution, which supports systematic promotion and preservation of Theravada Buddhism, its culture and heritage through education, research and various other activities like workshops, conferences, meditation courses etc. it also works towards creating mutual understanding and cooperation between Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism. TBA  offer two academic degrees in affiliation with Lumbini Buddhist University. They are a) M. A. in Theravada Buddhism and b) M. A. in Pāli Buddhist Studies. The course duration is two years in four semester. TBA is recently registered under Company Act 2063 as profits not distributing company in Sept. 15, 2021 (30th Bhadra 2078).

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Message from founder chairman

In Nepal, the birth place of the Lord Buddha, the teaching of Buddha arose and spread all over the world during the regime of Kirati, Thakuri and Lichhabi. The Lichhabi period has been considered as the golden age for Buddhism. However, suppression of the Buddhism began during the latter perios of malla Regime. During the period of Jayansthiti mall, the monks and nuns were forced to convert in=to family households. The system of cast, creed and race was imposed, thus dividing the people into various casts and creed. Buddhism was battered and Buddhist educational sector was destroyed and made non-functional.

The places for education in Buddhist , Buddhist culture, civilization, arts, literature, science and geography could not survive. During the Rana Regime, "BHikshus" were cruelly suppressed and even exiled from the country. After the emergence of democracy...

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News and Events

February 17, 2025

सेमिनार सम्पन्न

२०८१ पौष २७ गते शनिवार एम. ए. थेरवाद बुद्धिजम र पालि बुद्धिष्ट स्टडिज्‌का विद्यार्थीहरूको गोष्ठी कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भयो । त्द्यब् का अध्यक्ष भिक्षु निग्रोध महास्थविरको सभापतित्वमा […]
February 17, 2025

तेश्रो दीक्षान्त समारोहमा सर्वोकृष्ट हुने विद्यार्थाीहरू सम्मानित

यस थेरवाद बुद्धिष्ट एकेडेमीबाट थेरवाद बुद्धिजम् र पालि बुद्धिष्ट स्टडिज्‌मा एम. ए. अध्ययन गरी लुम्बिनी बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालयको तेश्रो दीक्षान्त समारोहमा सर्वोकृष्ट भइ स्वर्णपदक (गोल्ड मेडल) प्राप्त […]
February 17, 2025

लुम्बिनी बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालयको तेश्रो दीक्षान्त समारोहमा थेरवाद बुद्धिष्ट एकेडेमीका दुई जना विद्यार्थीहरू उत्कृष्ट स्थान प्राप्त गर्न सफल

यही २०८१ मंसीर १४ गते शुक्रबार (२९ डिसेम्बर २०२४मा) भएको लुम्बिनी बौद्ध विश्वविद्यालयको तेश्रो दीक्षान्त समारोहमा यस एकेडेमीका दुई जना विद्यार्थीहरू बौद्ध अध्ययन संकाय अन्तर्गत आंगिक […]
December 8, 2024

बुद्धजीवनी पुस्तक पुनर्मुद्रन गरी वितरण

भिक्षु अमृतानन्द महास्थविरको संक्षिप्त बुद्धजीवनी पुस्तक बजारमा अभाव भएकोले यस एकेडेमीको अनुरोधमा थेरवाद बुद्धिजम पाँचौ समूहका विद्यार्थी बुद्धलक्ष्मी शाक्य, बालकुमारी, ललितपुरद्वारा यो पुस्तकको केही प्रति पुनर्मुद्रण […]
  • The zeal to study Buddha's teaching is accomplished by the establishment of Theravada Buddhist Academy under the affiliation of Lumbini Buddhist University. The curriculum demonstrates the deepness of Buddha's teaching. Though delivered 2600 years ago being still relevant for harmony and peace in modern society is its preciousness. Beside I have also experienced it give strength to confront various difficulties in life diligently.
    Amita Tuladhar
  • Knowledge is powerful. It is more powerful when it comes through authentic, official Academic institution. Theravada Buddhist Academy gives me those precious unforgettable friendly learning moments to me. I sincerely suggest you all to join here and share my spiritual joyful moments during your study. Good luck!
    Bhikshu Janaka
  • I got the opportunity to learn a great deal of the very core of the path of Theravada Buddhism by taking the Masters Course of Theravada Buddhism. This has helped me to understand the foundation of Buddha’s teachings. Now I could confidently explain and help others in understanding true Buddhism. This course has motivated me to study further and understand this vast ocean of knowledge that the Buddha has enlightened to this world. Thank you.
    Anita Manandhar
  • Studying Masters in Theravada Buddhism at TBA is one of the best decisions I have made so far in my life.  It is not only about adding on one more academic degree, but I truly feel that it takes me one step further to the truth of the life and the nature.  So far through other degrees, I have learned to study the external world, my surrounding.  But MATB teaches to study “me” and reflect on “myself” and become a better human being.  I want to extend my sincere gratitude to all my teachers. Thank you so much.
    Sushma Bajracharya
    Student, Masters in Theravada Buddhism (MATB),

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Paññā Narāṅ Rataṅ. Paññāvantassa Ayam Dhammo.
प्रज्ञा नै मानिसको रत्न हो । यो धर्म प्रज्ञावानहरुको निम्ति हो ।
Wisdom is the gem of Mankind. This Dhamma is meant only for the wise.- BUDDHA
